State wise Grid Connected Solar Rooftop Capacity installed in India

SRT Capacity Installed under Subsidy Scheme Phase II

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) launched Rooftop Solar Programme Phase-II on 08.03.2019 with an objective to achieve 40 GW of rooftop solar (RTS). The Programme envisages installation of 4,000 MW of RTS capacity in the residential sector by providing Central Financial Assistance (CFA) & incentives to DISCOMs for initial
18 GW capacity.

The CFA admissible for general category states is INR. 14588/kW for first 3 kW RTS capacity and INR. 7294/kW for RTS capacity beyond 3 kW and up to 10 kW. For special category states (North-eastern states including Sikkim, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, UT of Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Lakshadweep, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands), the admissible CFA is INR. 17662/kW for first 3 kW RTS capacity and INR. 8831/kW for RTS capacity beyond 3 kW and up to 10 kW. The Resident Welfare Associations/ Group Housing Societies (RWA/GHS) are also eligible to avail CFA for RTS installation in common facilities, up to a maximum of 500 kW capacity. The CFA admissible for RWA/GHS is INR. 7294/kW in general category states and INR. 8831/kW in special category states. The Programme has been extended till 31.03.2026 without change in the financial outlay initially approved for the Programme.


Cumulative SRT Capacity Installed – State Wise Track
till Nov’2023

The Financial outlay of the Phase-II Rooftop Solar (RTS) programme is Rs.11,814 Crore which includes Rs.6,600 Crore of CFA and Rs.4,985 Crore of incentives to the Distribution Companies. The Programme has been extended till 31.03.2026 without change in the financial outlay initially approved for the Programme. the cumulative Roof Top Solar (RTS) installed capacity increased from 1.8 GW as on 31.03.2019 to 10.4 GW as on 30.11.2023. The Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of RTS installations is around 46%. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has taken several steps to promote rooftop solar inter-alia include:

• Launch of National Portal where residential consumers from any part of the country can apply for installation of rooftop solar and get subsidy directly into his bank account under the Programme.

• Development of online portals at DISCOM level and aggregation of demand relating to RTS projects.

• Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020 has been issued for net-metering up to five hundred Kilowatt or upto the electrical sanctioned load, whichever is lower.

• Facilitation of concessional loans from multilateral agencies such as the World Bank.

• Renewable energy included under priority sector lending guidelines of RBI.

• Quality standards for deployment of solar photovoltaic system/ devises notified.

• Information and public awareness activities through various mediums.


Details of District Wise Subsidy Disbursed by Haryana Discoms under Grid Connected Solar Rooftop Programme, as of Nov’23


Total Incentives given to Indian State’s DISCOMs under Phase II of Solar Rooftop Programme

In addition to the figures indicated in the last slide, subsidy of Rs 691.06 Lakh has been disbursed to 1,049 numbers of beneficiaries through National Portal in the state of Haryana as on 11.12.2023. During FY’2023-24 (Apr-Dec), an incentive amount released to the Discoms of Gujarat was INR 11.6 crores. In Rajasthan, the incentives released to the discoms during FY’2023-24 was INR 6.9 crores, while that to Telangana’s discoms was INR 3 crores. Below in the table is Discom wise incentives received during FY’2023-24 for few states.



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