Market sizing of hydrogen production in India as per end use from current landscape till 2025

Current Market Size of Hydrogen in India (2020-2025)

Market size of hydrogen by volume (in Million tonnes)

India at large witnesses demand from fertilizer, chemicals (methanol) and refineries. Although slowly the demand has risen from 6 million tonnes in 2019 to  ~7 million tonnes in 2021. The break-up of demand as per volume is from 2020 to 2025 is depicted in the exhibit as below.


This perspective is part of Eninrac's 2023 Green Hydrogen Industry Report.

Current Market Size of Hydrogen in India (2020-2025) (contd.)

Market size of hydrogen by value  (in US$ Billion)

India at large witnesses demand from fertilizer, chemicals (methanol) and refineries. Although slowly the demand has risen from US$ 11 Billion in 2020 to  US$ 14.5 Billion in 2021. The break-up of demand as per value is from 2020 to 2025 is depicted in the exhibit as below.


Current Market Size of Hydrogen in India (2020-2025) (contd.)

Market size of hydrogen by end use application by volume  (in Million Tonnes)

The major end uses in India is from fertilizer (ammonia), chemicals (methanol) and oil refineries. It has demand from transportation and power generation and grid balancing at very nominal levels and is expected to increase by end of 2030.


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