While using PEM technology the LCOH is projected to be USD 6.76/kWh by 2050 under Base Case Scenario while electricity is being fed through grid. Further, the LCOH is expected to be USD 7.04/kWh & USD 6.49/kWh under High Case Scenario & Low Case Scenario respectively by 2050.
Under base scenario the LCOH comes out to be USD 6.06/kWh in 2020 while using power through grid. Further, LCOH comes out to be USD 6.12/kWh while feeding power through solar & USD 5.94/kWh while feeding power through wind under in 2020.
Grid Fed: Under base case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 6.06/kWh & USD 6.76/kWh respectively. Under lower case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 5.87/kWh & USD 6.49/kWh respectively. Under high case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 6.23/kWh & USD 7.04/kWh respectively.
Solar Fed: Under base case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 6.12/kWh & USD 6.68/kWh respectively. Under lower case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 6.03/kWh & USD 6.54/kWh respectively. Under high case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 6.18/kWh & USD 6.81/kWh respectively.
Wind Fed: Under base case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 5.94/kWh & USD 6.49/kWh respectively. Under lower case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 5.86/kWh & USD 6.39/kWh respectively. Under high case scenario the LCOH for year 2020 & 2050 comes out to be USD 6.03/kWh & USD 6.69/kWh respectively.
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